Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why I like windows 7

There are a few features that I enjoy on Windows 7

1)the User Account Control (that annoying thing that pops up when you do anything in Vista) the reason I like it in windows 7, is because it is user friendly. The default setting is that Windows will ask you ONLY if a program (like a virus) tries to do something without you approving it.

2)The Next time you are in Best Buy and looking at Windows 7 PC's. Go crazy and open like 8 different programs. Solitaire, notepad, office, explorer ect... then the fun part! Left click on the title bar and hold it. Now move it back and forth and watch the other programs run in terror of your awesomeness!

3)Show desktop is a similar feature people don't use often enough. Windows 7 has placed the button for that next to the clock in the bottom right hand corner. Rather than minimise 4 or 5 separate programs one at a time, just click that button once. This once is also in Vista and XP but if may be faster for you than the second feature.

There are other reasons I like windows 7, but most of them I have only read about and not yet used myself. So until I do use them I won't be saying how much I like them.
Such a feature is windows PE. You can make a boot able CD or DVD to help fix PC problems or pull data off the PC. Linux has had this capability for years. I haven't tried Windows PE yet but it sounds promising.

Again if you want to purchase a computer for Christmas with Windows 7, feel free to contact any one of the qualified technicians at www.gem-systems.us

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