Monday, November 2, 2009

Just another crazy Monday

Mondays, the day of the week when you have to go back to work, after a relaxing weekend of doing nothing. Or cleaning up your yard from Halloween.

Which brings me to day two of things I am thankful for. I am thankful for our house. It was a tad annoying getting it, I had no idea what to do. I let shawna handle the details. I was just there for a yes no, I like this I don't like this.
However with all thats said and done. I am thankful we now have a house. (kinda wish we had waited a year when house prices to dropped like a rock)

Major advantage of being a home owner is control. No one telling you what you can't do inside your house. Want to paint the bathroom any color? Go for it!

Disadvantage: Mowing the yard. But we outsourced it so its all good now.

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