Saturday, July 2, 2011

Yosemite: How to restore a backup

I worked at a computer repair company, and a client of ours was using Yosemite to back up their server.

Their copy had a corrupted database and needed to be reinstalled before we could pull any data. Well when they needed to restore a deleted file from one of the backups, it took me 6 hours to get it taken care of. I was on the phone with Dell tech support working out the problem. I give credit to Dell tech support. Though it took a long time they did not give up till it was fixed.

So I decided to try and help people from spending hours on the phone an present the solution here.
I present it two stages, Stage 1: Importing the media. Stage 2: Recovering data.

Data Recover
Import Media

Step 1
Insert Tape to be restored

Step 2
Verify that the dates on the data are the ones you want to restore

step 3
Open Yosemite

Step 4
Go to MEDIA menu

Step 5

Step 6
Enter name for imported media Click Next

Step 7
Put Check next to machine name Click Next

Step 8
Accept defaults Click Next

Step 9
Choose when to run Click finish

Recover Data From Tape

Step 1
Click Jobs and Media

Step 2
choose Admin

Step 3
Click New... in Commands

Step 4
Choose Restore Job / Rename job Click ok

Step 5
Go to properties of Restore job if it does not pop up

Step 6
In Properties Go to selection

Step 7
Expand to the File you want to restore

Step 8
Highlight the file you want to restore DO NOT place check in box

Step 9
Up near top of properties Window you will see a green looking paper that will say versions
Click the versions button

Step 10
A window of versions pops up choose the version click ok (the file will have a check next to it now)

Step 11
Right Click the file or folder the file is in and choose move

Step 12
Pick the place on your PC you want to restore the file to Click ok

Step 13
Go to Device/Media

Step 14
Choose recover soure (where the backup is located)

Step 15
Go to Options

Step 16
Click Advanced options

Step 17
Uncheck the following boxes

- Child Security
- Parent Security
- Mount Points
- Volume Restrictions

Click OK

Step 18
Go to schedule choose not scheduled

step 19
Click Apply and close properties

Step 20
In the Jobs and Media menu Right click the restore job you just made and click Run
Choose yes

Step 21
Go to Job status

Step 22
Right click restore job thats running / choose status

Step 23
Wait till complete or Error
Which ever comes first

There! Finally done. I hope this helps you as much as it will help me in the future.

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