Friday, July 8, 2011

South Park Mid-season Finale 2011

The South Park Mid season Finale was called your getting too old. It starts off with Stan having his 10th birthday and his mom taking away one of his CD's because she thinks it sounds like crap. Stan later listens to the music without his mom knowing only to discover to him it sounds like people farting. Stan's friends don't hear it, and he goes to a doctor to see what is wrong with him. The doctor tells him he is becoming cynical and that there is no cure. Stan then goes over to his friends to see them playing a new game. He points out the simplest nature of the game and how that’s a stupid game. Later he begins to see food turn into crap.
When he goes to the movies with his friends, who were trying to go without him, the movie previews all sound like crap to Stan. The funniest part of this episode for me was listening to the announcer of the crappy movies. At one point he says "this actor in who cares you'll pay to see it anyway!" Which at times with real movie previews it feels like to me.
In the side story of this episode Stan's dad listens to the CD Stan's mom said he couldn't. Which he can hear it sounds like crap. However, because he had dreams of being a rock star and feels anyone and do the music, of course he decides to get a guitar and star playing at the local bowling ally. He eventually meets a women in online chat and invites her to play on stage with him as well. His wife catches him on stages and they go home have an argument. The argument turns out to be the highlight of the episode. They explain how every week its Randy’s dream to get in to fights or something else. They then tell each other that they both feel the other is pretty crappy and decide to split up. Of course this is the mid season finale so we will see what happens when it starts up in fall.

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