Friday, July 1, 2011

100 articles in 50 days CANCELED!

OK, so my 100 articles in 50 days was canceled due to Yahoo! Associated Content closing my account. Their reason being most my articles were short and did not meet their standards. Fine. I admit a few of my articles were just a one line update about what happened on a TV show.
In 20 days I had published 60 articles. Every day I saw an increase in clicks to my pages. Thanks to that little experiment I have a better understanding of what gets clicks and what does not. Before June 10th, my pages maybe got 4 or five clicks a day for about a year and half. When my account was closed and I was averaging 40 clicks a day and that was with 60 articles.
What were my top Five articles for clicks?

- Yosemite How to restore a backup
- My Brute: a fun game
- 2 and half men: the return
- Avira Anti-virus: Great free program
- Super anti-Spyware

Yosemite I wrote in 2009. The other 4 I wrote after June 10th and had almost as many clicks as Yosemite. I am putting this information out for anyone who has a associated content account. If you want more clicks, throw in some entertainment and technology articles.

As for me, lesson learned. I'll stick to posting on On Aug 1st I think I will restart my goal of 100 blog's in 50 days. If you get knocked down get up and fight back.

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