Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Tme for candy

Well here it is Halloween! The one night a year kids get to dress up and beg for candy without being told to go home. I don't have a great costume this year, maybe next year. What I do have is a very wallet friendly Graveyard. We cut the tombstones out of card board and covered them with duck tape.
Then Shawna wrote:
Tricker Treater 1- 2008
Tricker Treater 2- 2008
Tricker Treater 1- 2009 Is it you?

I wanted to have a hand coming out of the ground for the 2009 tombstone but we ran out of cash. So we have a spider web with no spiders. I have no problem with that since I am not a fan of spiders. Besides plastic spiders really look to fake to be creepy.

Next year we will add a few more decorations and things to creep kids out. One idea is to get a gross mask, put a foam ball inside it and put it on the end of a stick with fake blood running down the stick.
Any one else have any good ideas?

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