Monday, August 29, 2011

Free Operating System Ubuntu

Free Operating systems.
Welcome to the world of Linux.

Windows 7 just came out in 2010. They are already getting Windows 8 ready for the next line of PC's. Thats right. If you had trouble going from Windows XP to Vista or Windows 7, get ready to hit the learning curb again.
For me, I loved windows Vista. I read a lot of books of Vista. I felt that was the operating system that would be around as long as XP was. Nope. Soon as I finish a study exam book, here comes Windows 7. Now I had to study for a new Operating system and get ready for it. That is when I decided enough was enough.
I made the switch to Linux, Ubuntu and haven't looked back. Its a FREE operating system. Let me tell you what I do with it.

Watch DVD's
Surf the Internet
Type for the blog you are reading

If these are items you do on a daily basis, and you have an old PC your not using. You may seriously want to consider making the switch and giving it a test run. It may not be for you, but then again you'll never know if you don't try.

The choice is simple.

Keep your wallet at the mercy of Microsoft and Apple, or try a free alternative that gets the simple stuff done. Period.

Let me know what you think on twitter @pcheroesrh

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