Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Tme for candy

Well here it is Halloween! The one night a year kids get to dress up and beg for candy without being told to go home. I don't have a great costume this year, maybe next year. What I do have is a very wallet friendly Graveyard. We cut the tombstones out of card board and covered them with duck tape.
Then Shawna wrote:
Tricker Treater 1- 2008
Tricker Treater 2- 2008
Tricker Treater 1- 2009 Is it you?

I wanted to have a hand coming out of the ground for the 2009 tombstone but we ran out of cash. So we have a spider web with no spiders. I have no problem with that since I am not a fan of spiders. Besides plastic spiders really look to fake to be creepy.

Next year we will add a few more decorations and things to creep kids out. One idea is to get a gross mask, put a foam ball inside it and put it on the end of a stick with fake blood running down the stick.
Any one else have any good ideas?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Blog date 30 Oct 09


1st blog just to see how this thing works. Halloween is tomorrow and don't have decorations up yet. Working on it though.

I need to call around to the local recycling centers to see if there are any that recycle cans for cash.